Stain Samples

If you are purchasing unfinished legs, these stain samples will give you an idea of the colors that can be achieved with each wood species. The only prefinished option we currently offer is two coats of clear polyurethane, which you will see at the bottom of each sample. The stain colors are all Minwax brand, which is readily available at home stores. You will want to apply at least two coats of Minwax polyurethane after staining. We recommend Minwax Wipe-on Poly because it is very easy to apply. The two Danish Oil samples are Watco Danish Oil, which is also widely available. It wipes on with a cloth and does not require a top coat of polyurethane. A minimum of 2 coats is recommended. 

Keep in mind no two pieces of wood are identical. The exact tone or wood grain will vary. You can use the top of the leg, which will be hidden after installation, to test stain colors beforehand. 

stain samples on white oak

stain samples on maple

stain samples on walnut

stain samples on cherry

stain samples on ash

stain samples on mahogany